Saturday, 20 April 2024

Time off Time!

Will be taking time off inshaALLAH for an unknown duration, to resolve some outstanding issues that need my extended time, skill development and strong efforts.

Links to my sites have even been removed from my Whats App and Whats App Business accounts.

If I don't return, we can always settle any outstanding issues on The Day of Judgement inshaALLAH!

May you find the kind of researchers you are seeking! Take care of yourselves and your families!

... I hope you won't mind, if I do not reply, and if I do not fix any broken links or downloads or any site take down reported during this time off!

28th June 2024 : Time off Status Update and Exception Log 1:
A brief exception made on 4 days (24th, 25th, 26th and 28th June 2024) and new evidences added at the following blogs:
Alleged Variant Readings of The Qur'an and Ahruf and Qira'at (Quran Defense Project 1): "Variant Readings Appendix - Quranic References, Hadiths and Assertions of Celebrity Scholars" section with links to Quranic Aayaat, and Hadiths that may be used to refute the variant readings narrative, added at the end of the detailed post.

The assumption of a so called Uthmani Mushaf without vowel signs or dots i.e. a shape-shifting and recitation-shifting text, as the base is baseless. Because no dotless and vowel-less book was sent from the Heaven to the Earth, but The Quran was revealed via recitation and with recitation the Quran is Revealed Dot by Dot and Letter by Letter and Vowel by Vowel and is Preserved in The Same Way. Use some common sense and ponder on The Quran.

Reference Evidences for the planned article Evaluating Circumcision: Some Quranic Evidences added and some sorted again, Satan and Circumcision: The Devil as the ἄγγελος πονηρός in Barn 9:4 article linking circumcision to shaytan added, Epistle of Barnabas: 3 verses on circumcision issue added, shocking Bible assertions related to circumcision issue added.

Reference Evidences for the planned article, using The Quran to Evaluate and Judge Science: Some more Quranic Evidences added to Set 4.

Time Off Exception 1

Update: regarding plans and ideas to gain financial strength, so that I can return in full force inshaALLAH!, to the projects and blogs, by The Help of ALLAH, without any kind of funding requirements to meet the cost or time: No success so far. It may take longer than originally estimated. Keep exploring alternate options also and don't wait for me.

Sayings Attributed to Umar and Uthman on Circumcision Issue Added to Reference Evidences on Circumcision Post

Reference Evidences for the planned article Evaluating Circumcision
with the following additional evidences:
Saying attributed to Umar:
في الطبري ٨ / ١٣٤ وابن الاثير ٥ / ٥١: قيل للجراح إن الناس سارعوا إلى الاسلام نفورا من الجزية، فامتحنهم بالختان ... فكتب إليه عمر: إن اللّٰه بعث محمدا داعياً ولم يبعثه خاتنا

Saying attributed to Uthman:
دُعِيَ عثمانُ بنُ أبي العاصِ إلى ختانٍ فَأَبى فقيلَ له فقال إنا كنا لا نَأْتِي الختانَ عَلى عهدِ رسولِ اللّٰهِ ﷺ ولا نُدْعى له
الراوي: عثمان بن أبي العاص الثقفي • الهيثمي، مجمع الزوائد (٤-٦٣)

دُعِيَ عُثمانُ بنُ أبي العاصِ إلى خِتانٍ، فأبى أنْ يُجيبَ، فقيلَ له، فقال: إنّا كُنّا لا نَأتي الخِتانَ على عَهدِ رسولِ اللّٰهِ ﷺ ولا نُدْعى له
الراوي: الحسن البصري • الرباعي، فتح الغفار (١٤٦٦/٣)

دعي عثمانُ بْنُ أبي العاصِ إلى خِتانِ،فأَبى أَنْ يُجِيبَ، فقِيلَ له، فقالَ:إنّا كنّا لا نأتي الخِتانَ على عهدِ رسولِ اللّٰهِ- صلى اللّٰه عليه وآله وسلم- ولا نُدْعى له
الراوي: عثمان بن أبي العاص الثقفي • الهيثمي، مجمع الزوائد (٤-٦٣)

If any one challenges the narrators of the Uthman Hadith, he can be shown Hadith labeled as Sahih, by their own standard authorities in which Ibn Ishaq is in the chain of narrators. For now, I am linking a few Hadith. In the detailed post inshaALLAH, this Hadith and its narrators' and Hadith via those narrators may be investigated in some more detail. Nasai: 2231, Nasai:2412, Ibn Majah: 987

Refuting the Alleged Narrations that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was born circumcised or was circumcised by Jibreel

PDF in Arabic added to:
Reference Evidences for the planned article Evaluating Circumcision

PDF in Arabic Refuting the Alleged Narrations that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was born circumcised or was circumcised by Jibreel
Download PDF

Friday, 19 April 2024

Jewish Circumcision of Dead Body of Baby added to Circumcision Reference Evidences

Reference to Jewish circumcision of dead body of the baby added to:
Reference Evidences for the planned article Evaluating Circumcision

Brit Milah

Obsession of Jews with male circumcision to the point of even circumcising the dead body of the baby who died before getting circumcised by them:
According to Halacha, a baby who dies before they had time to circumcise him must be circumcised before burial. Several reasons were given for this commandment. (Copied from Wikipedia post on Brit Milah linked above)
Reiner, Rami (2022). "A baby boy who dies before reaching eight [days] is circumcised with a flint or reed at his grave" (Shulḥan 'Arukh, Yoreh De'ah 263:5): From Women's Custom to Rabbinic Law". Journal of the Goldstein-Goren International Center for Jewish Thought. Retrieved 3 January 2023. (Copied from Wikipedia post on Brit Milah linked above)

Also see:
Post-mortem Naming and Circumcision for a Stillbirth (Leaving the foreskin on is “disgraceful and shameful for the child,” so we don’t want the child to suffer the shame of being buried uncircumcised.)

Kya Achay Ohday Ya Status Se Deen Ki Khidmat Ki Ja Sakti Hai?

Brief 8 minute video in Urdu, compactly explaining the importance of personal sacrifices for Islamic causes and that understanding and wisdom increase with sacrifices (which I have also personally observed).

Kya Achay Ohday Ya Status Se Deen Ki Khidmat Ki Ja Sakti Hai?

Thursday, 11 April 2024

الإعراب والتركيب بين الشكل والنسبة ـ دراسة تفسيرية

الإعراب والتركيب بين الشكل والنسبة ـ دراسة تفسيرية

Download (10.8MB)

Note: Printed pages numbered on page from 353-368 and from 449-464 are missing. Searching in these ranges takes you to the table of contents, since no page scans available for these pages. If any one has access to printed book, they can send these scanned pages to me, asimiqbal2nd @
Quick Study Tool : Online - Via embedded streaming pages:
Index: Note the page number using the below index for the respective topic you want to study.
Enter the page number in below mentioned input box and then click "show page" button or press Enter key to show the required page.


Topic Study Link : link comes here

Friday, 5 April 2024

New Page for Raw PDFs for initial stages of Arabic Case Theory Project

PDFs being uploaded at:
Arabic Case Theory Raw PDFs for initial stages of Arabic Case Theory Project
Also see:
Arabic Case Theory Project - Nahw - Raf' Nasb Jarr Jazm رفع نصب جرّ جزم as the Next Level of Arabic Patterns Research
Arabic Case Theory Project - Unfunded or Self-Funded Option - Progress Tracker + Quran Defense Project 2

Note that study or page linking to the PDFs is only the initial ground work for the project. Actual serious work should inshaALLAH! be done on Quranic Usage Research and Analysis.

This is a big project and requires a lot of time. I don't know if I can pull this off by the Help of ALLAH or not, as it depends on whether ALLAH considers me worthy enough to do it or not because ALLAH can definitely get it Done Using any creation of His. Is Asim Iqbal 2nd the 1 to get the job done or not. That is the question!