Friday 5 April 2024

New Page for Raw PDFs for initial stages of Arabic Case Theory Project

PDFs being uploaded at:
Arabic Case Theory Raw PDFs for initial stages of Arabic Case Theory Project
Also see:
Arabic Case Theory Project - Nahw - Raf' Nasb Jarr Jazm رفع نصب جرّ جزم as the Next Level of Arabic Patterns Research
Arabic Case Theory Project - Unfunded or Self-Funded Option - Progress Tracker + Quran Defense Project 2

Note that study or page linking to the PDFs is only the initial ground work for the project. Actual serious work should inshaALLAH! be done on Quranic Usage Research and Analysis.

This is a big project and requires a lot of time. I don't know if I can pull this off by the Help of ALLAH or not, as it depends on whether ALLAH considers me worthy enough to do it or not because ALLAH can definitely get it Done Using any creation of His. Is Asim Iqbal 2nd the 1 to get the job done or not. That is the question!