Thursday 29 August 2024

Quran Based Self Development Book - A Self Development Book Grounded in The Quran

Quran 50:37
إِنَّ فِى ذَٰلِكَ لَذِكۡرَىٰ لِمَن
كَانَ لَهُۥ قَلۡبٌ أوۡ
أَلقَى ٱلسَّمۡعَ وَهُوَ شَهِيدٌ

A paperback Quran Based Self Development Book by me is
possible, if interest in such a book is shown by at least 100 potential buyers.
It can inshaALLAH! be on self development, mindfulness, presence, remembrance, self dedication and focus etc. The unique feature is that the main book will inshaALLAH! be based only on The Quran, while any other Islamic sources and practical instructions or personal observations and any other theories like meditation, mindfulness, living in the moment, stoicism, stillness etc. if found relevant, comparable, or contrastable to any point will inshaALLAH! be added to the footnotes. InshaALLAH! Simple diagrams (text, lines, boxes, circles etc.) also planned to be included in the book.

Show your interest to buy. If 100 buyers show interest to buy such a book if I launch it, inshaALLAH I will start work on preparation of the book.
Register your interest by sending an Email to aasimiqbaal @ / asimiqbal2nd @

Number of people who have shown interest to buy if I prepare and launch this book = 0

Below are just a few quick and informal draft selections from Quranic Aayaat. If 100 people register interest, 1st step will inshaALLAH be to review The Quran once more in detail to try to not miss any Ayah relevant to this issue.
Book idea

Saturday 10 August 2024

X / Twitter resumed for short updates / news etc.

Short updates are now being posted via X (formerly known as Twitter). This decision is taken as blog updates were taking more time and posting frequent shallow posts hurts the SEO of this blog.

Friday 2 August 2024

Appendix - Listing Quranic Aayaat for a Pattern or Base Form from a Root with Segregation based on Case, Word Form etc.

To view the complete post, visit:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains - Quranic Usage.

Appendix - Listing Quranic Aayaat for a Pattern or Base Form from a Root with Segregation based on Case, Word Form etc.:

Many sites list Quranic Aayaat for Roots using a base pattern or lemma from the Root as the basis.

The idea for improvement is to sort them further based on case, form, etc. As an example, the Word أَجۡر from the root ا ج ر , with the base pattern فَعۡل is chosen.

After seeing Quranic usage for it on Quranic Arabic Corpus or Tafsir App or Quran Morphology, it can be segregated and sorted further i.e. instead of displaying all Quranic Aayaat for the occurrences as they appear in The Quran , there should be segregation and sorting of the occurrences and then the Quranic Aayaat should eventually be displayed as follows:
1st display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرُ on pattern فَعۡلُ
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرٌ on pattern فَعۡلٌ
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرَ on pattern فَعۡلَ
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرًا on pattern فَعۡلًا
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرِ on pattern فَعۡلِ
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أَجۡرٍ on pattern فَعۡلٍ
Then display all Aayaat with the Word أُجُورَ on (broken plural) pattern فُعُولَ

If any one is interested in this idea, inshaALLAH! I am available to provide free consultancy.

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Variant Readings Appendix - Quranic References, Hadiths and Assertions of Celebrity Scholars

To view the complete and detailed post, visit:
Alleged Variant Readings of The Qur'an & Ahruf & Qira'at (Quran Defense Project 1):

Quranic Aayaat that may be used to refute the variant readings narrative of the celebrity scholars:
(For now I am only linking the references. If I allocate sufficient time again to this post, inshaALLAH these may be sorted in a better way and I may add headings and brief discussions InshaALLAH!).
Quran 15:9, Quran 41:41-42.
Quran 75:16-19.
Quran 4:82.
Quran 18:1, Quran 39:28.
Quran 6:115, Quran 10:64, Quran 18:27, Quran 48:15, Quran 50:29.
Quran 2:75, Quran 4:46, Quran 5:13, Quran 5:41, Quran 3:78, Quran 4:46.
Quran 10:38, Quran 11:13, Quran 17:88.
Quran 19:97, Quran 44:58, Quran 54:32, Quran 54:40.
Quran 36:69, Quran 44:2-3.
Quran 33:6, Quran 43:1-4, Quran 52:1-3, Quran 56:77-81, Quran 80:11-16, Quran 85:21-22, Quran 98:1-4.
Quran 11:1, Quran 22:52-53, Quran 41:3.
Quran 16:103, Quran 41:44, Quran 42:7, Quran 46:12.
Quran 10:15, Quran 17:73, Quran 25:32.
Quran 26:192-193, Quran 69:40-43, Quran 69:51, Quran 86:13-14.
Quran 87:6-9.
Quran 41:40.

Moreover, apparently, it is not the Sunnah of ALLAH to Reveal or Speak shape-shifting or meaning-shifting Words, as alleged by the variant readings narrative:
Quran 33:62, Quran 35:43, Quran 48:23, Quran 17:77, Quran 87:18-19, Quran 20:133.

According to the standard celebrity scholar narrative, there are at least 20 variant readings of The Quran and according to the same celebrity scholars, the following Hadiths are sahih and authentic, which would imply about 40 Quran recitations during a month and requires at least 1.33333 complete Quran recitations per day in terms of amount of recitation.
Riyad us Salihin: 686.
Bukhari: 3623.
Muslim: 2450b.
Bukhari :4998.
Mishkat :2099.
Muslim :2450c.

According to the standard celebrity scholar narrative, there are at least 20 variant readings of The Quran, none of which can be rejected, and the Hadiths, inspired by which, they are promoting the 20 or more variant readings, clearly and unambiguously mention 7 modes of recitation, and the celebrity scholars failed to pinpoint these 7 recitations and different scholars are coming up with different explanations created out of thin air mostly, as they cannot provide an Ayah or a Hadith mandating 20 or more authorized variant readings and they have failed to reduce 20 to 7, and are so far benefiting from the gullibility of the masses, as far as this worldly life is concerned. Have some fear for your Hereafter!
7 Ahruf Ahaadith or Hadiths.

Below are some specific examples of the same i.e. the Hadiths specifically mentioning 7 recitations. The variant readings are also allegedly recitations but 20 instead of 7 and celebrity scholars failed miserably to pinpoint the 7 authorized recitations according to these Ahaadith and declare 13 or any others as rejected recitations, as Hadiths allow no more than 7 recitations and The Quran allows no more than 1 recitation.
Bukhari: 3219, Bukhari: 4991, Muslim: 819a, Abu Dawud: 1477, Abu Dawud: 1478, Nasai: 941, Muslim: 821a, Mishkat: 2213 .

Sample discussion for 1 Aayah:
ALLAH is The Preserver of The Quran i.e. The Entire Quran is Preserved and Protected by ALLAH.
Quran 15:9.
Variant readings standard celebrity scholar narratives' allegation on The Quran and its Preservation = The Quran was revealed in 7 Ahruf and 6 Ahruf can no longer be traced (apparent view of Fadel Soliman, based on his discussion on a youtube video, he also wrote the Bridges' translation along with his team) or that more than 1 of the 7 Ahruf can be found in an alleged variant reading i.e. the alleged variant readings are made up of selections from multiple Ahruf (apparent view of Farid based on his youtube video, i.e. 27-1 i.e. 127 combinations possible mathematically according to this genius?? solution, as he is by no means restricting the allowed recitations to 7). What may be expected from Muhammad Hijab on this issue, whose discussion with Yasir Qadhi on Youtube, played a key role in promoting the variant readings discussion? Here's a hint and here are some Aayaat from The Quran : Quran 53:59-62. Also see this post that may help in digging a bit deeper on what the celebrity scholars are actually upto in this variant readings issue, from variant readings defenders' perspective: Clarification on the Ahruf and Qiraa’aat of the Qur’an: ibn Hajr.

The assumption of a so called Uthmani Mushaf without vowel signs or dots i.e. a shape-shifting and recitation-shifting text, as the base is baseless. Because no dotless and vowel-less book was sent from the Heaven to the Earth, but The Quran was revealed via recitation and with recitation the Quran is Revealed Dot by Dot and Letter by Letter and Vowel by Vowel and is Preserved in The Same Way. Use some common sense and ponder on The Quran.

Note that different contradicting views of celebrity scholars were provided in this post. The contradiction is in the views of the celebrity scholars themselves. When 7 in 14 and 14 in 7, or 10 in 20 and 20 in 10 starts getting exposed, a celebrity scholar may shift to 1 Ahruf only and 20 or +recitations within this 1 Ahruf, or a celebrity scholar may create the assumption that the variant readings are made from selections from multiple Ahruf. Exactly 7 recitations (nothing more and nothing less) is a requirement of the Hadiths believed by these celebrity scholars, while 20 recitations has no basis in Hadiths even, not even Da'eef Hadiths.

Falsehood like the variant readings narrative cannot defend itself. Reminds me of the following Aayaat:
Quran 6:142-145.

Logical Arguments on Circumcision and The Quran being denied for mere Scientific Theories

Iron Sharp Logical Arguments in the headers of the daring and bold blogs exposing the futile logic of the opponents and exposing the open denial despite clear Quranic Aayaat.
Circumcision or Genital Mutilation?
Circumcision Logic

Bluff of the Scientific Theories Blinding Logic of People - People Denying Clear Quranic Ayaat for mere Theories
Science Bluff Logic

Mofrdat : Supplementary Tool in Arabic for Patterns Research

Appendix 3 - Supplementary Tool for Patterns added to:
Qur'an Concordance - Roots - Patterns - Letters - Word Sets - Word Domains
This is a supplementary tool for Patterns research.

1. Type any Arabic Pattern without harakaat or vowel signs.

2. On the page opened, multiple patterns appear, click المزيد .. with the pattern for which you want to study usage examples. The pattern examples may be spread on multiple pages. Use the navigator at the bottom to see all the pages with the usage examples.

3. Note the words from the pattern, and then see if the word has been used in classical Arabic dictionaries actually or not, and if used in classical Arabic dictionaries, study the word using classical Arabic dictionaries only. Repeat this process for remaining words from the pattern till you gain a significant insight on the pattern's meaning shades.

4. Specially useful for the patterns for which only a few Words from that pattern can be found in The Quran, to see some more usage examples before finally concluding the probable meaning shades based on The Quran, but The Quran should be the main source for concluding the meaning shades, as we have to focus on Quranic usage which may even differ from classical Arabic dictionarties usage. e.g. Quranic usage and meaning shades for the word رُوح are unique and different from classical Arabic usage for this word.

i. Learn buckwalter equivalent letters to type Arabic using English Keyboard from the below table:
Buckwalter Equivalent for Arabic Letters
خ ح ج ث ت ب ا
x H j v t b A
ص ش س ز ر ذ د
S $ s z r * d
ق ف غ ع ظ ط ض
q f g E Z T D
ي و ه ن م ل ك
y w h n m l k
ة ى ئ ؤ ء إأ
p Y } & ' < >

ii. Enter pattern using Buckwalter transliteration in the below input box e.g. fElA'

iii. Click below link to see patterns based to your entered Arabic Pattern without harakaat at

link comes here after entering the pattern in the above input box

Time Allocation Limited to 18 Minutes Per Day Average and Resumed

Resuming time allocation for online Islamic Activity inshaALLAH limited to 2 hours and 6 minutes per week i.e. on an average 18 minutes per day.

This is the next decision after Time Off Time!. As mentioned in that post:

Update: regarding plans and ideas to gain financial strength, so that I can return in full force inshaALLAH!, to the projects and blogs, by The Help of ALLAH, without any kind of funding requirements to meet the cost or time: No success so far. It may take longer than originally estimated. Keep exploring alternate options also and don't wait for me.

Instead of complete Time Off, which could work if an end for the time off is in sight. Since a solution or end to the time off is not in sight, I am resuming online activity again limited at 18 minutes per day on average.

Also note that 18 minutes per day or 2 hours and 6 minutes per week is not a guaranteed time but a time allocation limit i.e. inshaALLAH! time more than this is not to be allocated but time less than this may be allocated on some weeks.

Unit of time is 6 minutes i.e. 0.1 and 1 hour counts as 1 unit and every 6 minutes count as 0.1 so that 10 x 6 minutes make 10 x 0.1 i.e. 1 unit.

What do you Lose by Ignoring Asim Iqbal 2nd and his unique approach?

As an example, you may continue seeing both قَلۡب and فُؤَاد to be translated as heart. Who will bother? Who will spend dozens of hours on 2 Words only? Who will go through multiple dictionaries and consult the Quranic Aayaat relevant for this research?
I wanted to thoroughly investigate the 2 Words, along with 3 other Words, along with Quranic Usage and along with an attempt to find out the core meaning shades from dictionaries and then putting them to the test using The Quran. Maybe, no viewer of my blogs wants such a thorough research? Perhaps they want it but not from me, but the ones you prefer apparently don't prefer such time consuming research. Conventional approach gives the easy option of translating them as heart and move on. A person not afraid of standing alone, not afraid of spending as much time as the research demands, not afraid of presenting findings different from the majority view, can attempt such research.

Below is a draft version of only 1 step of the research:
قَلۡب فُؤَاد

Saturday 20 April 2024

Time off Time!

Will be taking time off inshaALLAH for an unknown duration, to resolve some outstanding issues that need my extended time, skill development and strong efforts.

Links to my sites have even been removed from my Whats App and Whats App Business accounts.

If I don't return, we can always settle any outstanding issues on The Day of Judgement inshaALLAH!

May you find the kind of researchers you are seeking! Take care of yourselves and your families!

... I hope you won't mind, if I do not reply, and if I do not fix any broken links or downloads or any site take down reported during this time off!

28th June 2024 : Time off Status Update and Exception Log 1:
A brief exception made on 4 days (24th, 25th, 26th and 28th June 2024) and new evidences added at the following blogs:
Alleged Variant Readings of The Qur'an and Ahruf and Qira'at (Quran Defense Project 1): "Variant Readings Appendix - Quranic References, Hadiths and Assertions of Celebrity Scholars" section with links to Quranic Aayaat, and Hadiths that may be used to refute the variant readings narrative, added at the end of the detailed post.

The assumption of a so called Uthmani Mushaf without vowel signs or dots i.e. a shape-shifting and recitation-shifting text, as the base is baseless. Because no dotless and vowel-less book was sent from the Heaven to the Earth, but The Quran was revealed via recitation and with recitation the Quran is Revealed Dot by Dot and Letter by Letter and Vowel by Vowel and is Preserved in The Same Way. Use some common sense and ponder on The Quran.

Reference Evidences for the planned article Evaluating Circumcision: Some Quranic Evidences added and some sorted again, Satan and Circumcision: The Devil as the ἄγγελος πονηρός in Barn 9:4 article linking circumcision to shaytan added, Epistle of Barnabas: 3 verses on circumcision issue added, shocking Bible assertions related to circumcision issue added.

Reference Evidences for the planned article, using The Quran to Evaluate and Judge Science: Some more Quranic Evidences added to Set 4.

Time Off Exception 1

Update: regarding plans and ideas to gain financial strength, so that I can return in full force inshaALLAH!, to the projects and blogs, by The Help of ALLAH, without any kind of funding requirements to meet the cost or time: No success so far. It may take longer than originally estimated. Keep exploring alternate options also and don't wait for me.