Wednesday 31 July 2024

Time Allocation Limited to 18 Minutes Per Day Average and Resumed

Resuming time allocation for online Islamic Activity inshaALLAH limited to 2 hours and 6 minutes per week i.e. on an average 18 minutes per day.

This is the next decision after Time Off Time!. As mentioned in that post:

Update: regarding plans and ideas to gain financial strength, so that I can return in full force inshaALLAH!, to the projects and blogs, by The Help of ALLAH, without any kind of funding requirements to meet the cost or time: No success so far. It may take longer than originally estimated. Keep exploring alternate options also and don't wait for me.

Instead of complete Time Off, which could work if an end for the time off is in sight. Since a solution or end to the time off is not in sight, I am resuming online activity again limited at 18 minutes per day on average.

Also note that 18 minutes per day or 2 hours and 6 minutes per week is not a guaranteed time but a time allocation limit i.e. inshaALLAH! time more than this is not to be allocated but time less than this may be allocated on some weeks.

Unit of time is 6 minutes i.e. 0.1 and 1 hour counts as 1 unit and every 6 minutes count as 0.1 so that 10 x 6 minutes make 10 x 0.1 i.e. 1 unit.