Added 2 new sections: Type 3: Sahih Hadith : 'The people who will be most severely punished on the Day of Resurrection..." and Type 4: Sahih Hadith : Penalty for drawing an image = Breathe your soul into the image
@ Reference Evidences for the planned article Evaluating Circumcision
Dr. Kais Omar Nabeel Dukes, well known as Dr. Kais Dukes is no longer with us and has left this world. Prayers suggested for him and his family and friends in this testing time.
I knew this information since February, but to honor the wish of his his family, I reverted my February post to draft. As per latest feedback, his mother and sister didn't want this information to get out and that post will remain as draft until his family allows.
Now, since others have already shared this news, still honoring his mother and sister's wish, I won't add any comments of mine or even requote sister Imen's words posted via Dr. Kais Dukes facebook page on 3rd February. You may check the following links. Moreover, this post won't be linked prominently from my more famous blog Revive Arabic due to the same reason.
Dr. Kais Dukes photo apparently taken during the prime of Quranic Arabic Corpus Project in 2010 or earlier.
Dr. Kais Dukes photo apparently taken during August 2023
In case no funding is received, slow self funded option is also being initiated today.
Time spent so far since 2024 and onwards, on study or research or gathering evidences or raw material or notes for the project = 50 hours : 0 minutes (19th April 2024 - Only Step 1 started, Money allocation for Step 2 is not measured in terms of time) (Even in case any funding is ever received for Arabic Case Theory Project, the above mentioned hours will remain volunteer work for Hereafter benefit only and purely and no funding will be taken for these hours, and funding will be used for additional hours only inshaALLAH!)
Step 1: Sharpening of Tools for Quick Research from whatever is available and whatever becomes available with time
Abraham Linclon is reported to have said this or something like this : "Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first 4 sharpening the axe."
MashaALLAH! Asim Iqbal 2nd has officially started the project : funding or no funding, take it head on,... Asim Iqbal 2nd style,... no matter the cost!
And All Glory and Praise Belongs Only to ALLAH, I am just a humble slave of ALLAH. If anything good is done by me, it is only due to ALLAH's Guidance and Favor, that He Chose me for some good work, and if there is any mistake, it is due to me or due to consequences of my shortcomings or mistakes.
Paired Partner Project (To be started once some progress is made on the above project inshaALLAH!): Quran Defense Project 2 (Funding not allowed by me for Quran Defense Projects): Concordance of All Aayaat on quoted communication to defend quoted communication from any attacks, as quoted communication is not bound to quote the entire quotation in every single occurrence, and different parts of the same communication can be quoted for eloquence and befitting to the context selection from the quotation. (Also see Quran Defense Project 1 - Alleged Variant Readings of The Quran)
The Refutation of Alleged Variant Readings Project was started by me in 2022 and MashaALLAH! Only By The Help of ALLAH and skills Gifted by Him, it was completed in 2023. The famous site: had linked up and was confidently presenting Bridges' Translation of The Quran with footnotes regarding the alleged variant readings for some Aayaat, then, after my detailed post was published, 1st removed the footnotes. Now, I could't even see The Bridges' Translation i.e. the Translation is still listed but no translation is being shown, for now at least.
I will Thank ALLAH for Considering me worthy enough to be used for this noble cause of being a defender against this variant readings attack against the Quran. The Quran is enough to defend itself. I just presented the evidences.
MashaALLAH, I won't celebrate this victory, as there is no time to celebrate, as much more work is pending, and a person like me, talking about controvertial issues so boldly and openly, should not expect to get any support or word of appreciation or acknowledgement or funding for my projects from masses, as my writings offend many groups or schools of thought in 1 or more areas, and so I have to figure out ways to resolve financial issues and in parallel try to carve out some time for these projects also, no matter how little time inshaALLAH! and if ALLAH Allows, I will inshaALLAH! contribute again and hit the mark again!